March 28, 2011

A good day for onions

The weather on sunday was real nice. A good day to plant some onions. We had some bio-onion bulbs ready for planting. Leonie organized everything into nice, neat rows. We've got about 200 or so in this little patch.

Our onions last year were alright, but the weather was so chaotic that not all of them turned out full-grown. We had pretty heavy storms in July which knocked over all the onion stalks and stunted their further growth. In the end we pulled all of the bulbs up at the same time and stored them in a kitchen cabinet, even though they were mostly little half-grown onions. Oh well, can't control the weather.

Better luck this year, eh? And in terms of vegephobia, I'm now a total fan of my most hated vegetable. My father still can't believe the change, since all he remembers is me as a kid removing all onions from any meal put in front of me. These days onions go into just about everything. You should see Leonie with her pizzas. Its pretty much just onion-ring bread with some cheese on top.

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