May 16, 2011

Cheese # 2: The result

We ate the cheese I made. In the end it aged for about 4 weeks. This is the result.

It was actually quite good. I won't state that it was the best cheese I've ever tasted, but it wasn't terrible either. In all honesty, it had a bit of a bitter after taste, which is a shame. I've read that this could either be from the microbial rennet or from using buttermilk starter instead of mesophilic starter culture.

But with some crackers it made a nice cheese. It shaves well and was solid and officially cheese-like in texture. So, for a first attempt at a hard cheese I reckon it to be a success.

Next time I want to go for a bigger cheese with better flavor, and maybe try waxing it so that it can age for longer.

May 15, 2011

How to transport your seedlinga by bike: beer crate

It's not always easy moving plants across town to the garden without a car. We do everything by bike (this is Holland, remember), even transporting seedlings. I guess a plastic bag might work as well, but this new system was highly effective. Beer crates.

The great part is that the seedling pots fit perfectly in each bottle-cubicle, which keeps the plants upright and protected from the wind. And it was pretty easy to hold while biking.

We've got all the aubergines shipped off to the greenhouse and planted out. Half the tomato plants also. Just need to get the rest over there and put them in the ground.

So next time you need to move your seedlings around by foot or bike, might as well grab a beer crate.

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